
Platinized Titanium Anode

The Platinized Titanium Mesh Anode is mostly used, because it has outstanding practical performance, such as strong ability of ionization release, good exchange of electrolyte, close structure and light weight, etc.

Substrate: Pure Titanium;

Grade: Gr.1 (DIN 3.7025) or Gr.2 (DIN 3.7035);

Substrate Shape: Mesh, Plate,Sheet, Tube, Rod, Wire or customized;

Dimension and Structure: Customized;

Thickness of Platinum coating: 0- 20 µm;

Current Density: 75A/dm2 max;

Scope of Application: Anode/Two-way Electrode;

PH: 0 – 11;

Plating Temperature: 60 °C max;

Shapes: Shapes of the titanium based substrate mesh grid anode, plating anode, rod anode, wire and tubular anode. 
Thickness: The platinum coating is 0-20µm, it could be up to 20µm with higher requirements.
Lifespan: The expected life platinized anode is based on the working media (electrolyte), and the anode current density which should be less than 75A/dm2, it has small abrasion under this current density to estimate the anode working life. According to the experience, in the Chromium electroplating solution with fluorine free, the abrasion of platinum coating is 1-4g every one million ampere hour. When the current density is above 75A/dm2 or using the electroplating solution with fluorine, the platinized niobium anode recommended (see platinized niobium anode).

Properties comparison between platinized titanium electrode and the other electrode in the cathode protection:

Material Work Environment The max work current density
Consumption rates
High Silicon Iron Sea  50 0.3-1.0
Graphite Fresh water, Soil 10 0.05-0.2
Sea 10 0.16
Fresh water 2.5 0.04
Lead-silver alloy Sea 30-300 0.03
Lead-silver platinum Sea 30-300 0.03
Platinized titanium Sea, Fresh water 1000 ---
Titanium/Mixed metal oxides Sea 600 ---


Description PTA MMOA
PH Level: (between) 1.0-12.0 1.0-12.0
Pt / mixed oxide layer tk. (µm) 0-10.0 8.0
Fluorides content (max) 50mg/l 50mg/l
Allowable current (max) 50A/dm2 50A/dm2



Chlorate & perchlorate production;

Electroplating( Au,Ag, Pd);

Cathodic protection;
Sewage treatment.


Platinized titanium anode combines the excellent electrochemical performance of Platinum and higher anticorrosion property. Comparing with the other soluble electrode and Lead anode, it has the following advantages.

Flexibility to meet various using needs;

Produce complex shape of anode;

Energy saving;

Light weight (especially the mesh grid anode);

Longer working life under higher current density;

Firm titanium structure, less deformation;

Second platinized allowed;

Uniform deposit, final products with high quality.

