ICCP Anodes or Impressed Current Cathodic Protection. Two types of impressed current anodes are mainly used on ships: attached and recessed anodes, which are fixed flush with the ships side. Attached anodes provide one major advantage in regards to low gr...
We supply standard CP wire and CP cable for Impressed Current Cathodic Protection System: HMWPE CABLE HALAR OR KYNAR / HMWPE CABLE CONDUCTOR: Circular stranded conductor of copper wires. INSULATION: irradiated Halar or Kynar with radial thickness 0.51mm....
Main Features: Suitable to use various kinds of reference electrode including zinc electrode, Ag/AgCl electrode, Cu/CuSo4 electrode. The units reliability and stability is significant improved by using all serious of integration modularization electro...
Compare with the HSCI solid rod anode, High Silicon Cast Iron tube anodes can: 1. Minimize the resistance of anodes to electrolytes. 2. Increase the surface to weight ratio, thus can reduce current density and distribute the produced gases over larger...