
MMO Discrete Anode

 MMO Discrete Anode(图1)
1.Long Lifetime and durable (Over 50 years)
2. Light Weight (Easy transportation and handling)
3.Easy installation
4.Preventing the acid generation
5. Working Environment: Evolution of O2, Cl2 or a Combination ofthe two.

The MMO discrete anode is made of tubular shaped MMO mesh ribbon welded with a tinanium rod.  


The biggest advantage of the Discrete Tubular Mesh Anode is the high gas evolution potential, basically no gas evolution at the cathodic protection potential (protection potential at -850 mV, generally preferable to -1.2 V, vs. CSE, relative to the Cu/saturated and CuSO4 reference electrode), which eliminates the security risks. It also has other advantages such as low current density, superior power saving, excellent stability, strong combination of coating and substrate and long working life.

 MMO Discrete Anode(图2)